Unbeknownst to the galaxy, an ancient race has enslaved an entire world for countless millennia. Now a single thrall has escaped and it’s up to a teenage girl to help him free his people.
But Angela “Gel” Colson only appears to be a Human teen.
She’s actually a mutant of the Plenum, a race of teleporting aliens who hide in plain sight by mimicking the biology of other races.
But because she’s a mutant, the other Plenum don’t trust her. Once again Gel has to prove herself by doing the impossible, and all without revealing her powers.
Along the way she’ll have to win over a reptilian alien who threatens the future home of the people she’s trying to save, criss-cross the galaxy via ancient technology hidden in the soup-like atmospheres of numerous gas giants, and quite possibly upset the economic stability of a region of space. Fortunately, her plushie, Barry, is there to lend a hand.
Ace of Thralls is the third book in the Freelance Courier series of Angela Colson, a young entrepreneur with a knack for getting embroiled in galactic-scale issues and far flung adventures.