A six-man squad in improved wingsuits launches into Low Earth Orbit and travels around the globe before landing. Its purpose is to do it eventually under combat conditions.
“More space-going SEAL action from Robert Williscroft. ‘Tiger’ Baily, the wingsuited, space-jumping hero of Williscroft’s Daedalus Series, has the stakes upped once again as his whole team makes a jump from orbit in Daedalus Squad. This time they’re leaving nothing to chance and have already simulated every possible bad-news scenario they can think of. Too bad nature can come up with something they didn’t think of. Another fun ride, if your idea of fun includes death-defying action.”—Alastair Mayer, Author of The T-Space Series
Derek “Tiger” Baily and his SEALS Winged Insertion Command (SWIC) drop from Low Earth Orbit to test the enhanced Gryphon-10 MK 4 hardshell wingsuit for combat applications. Every contingency has been planned. The 6-man squad believes it is fully prepared for hurtling around the world and staging critical re-entry, but challenged to innovate life-or-death solutions with only seconds to spare, Baily’s team might not survive intact. Fly with Tiger and his SWIC team on a mission that surely will test the limits of their training in Robert G. Williscroft’s third installment following Daedalus and Daedalus LEO.