The science fiction adventures of Jessie — the Harry-Dresden-meets-Murderbot cyborg, his uploaded dog, and their AI-run colonial outpost in the Red Realms galaxy continue in this second instalment of the Killswitch series…
Jessie and Mace make a deal with DeXA, Tribhuvan’s all-powerful AI, to find Captain Malika. But when Jessie travels to the wild and wayward Pachinko City to search for her, he is pulled into the frivolous world of influencers, social media and the power of ratings.
The influencer industry, as everyone knows, is a cut-throat business. And in the lawless asteroid city of Pachinko, bodies begin dropping like flies. Literally. Yet no one seems bothered… until one too many influencers die and Jessie becomes a prime suspect.
Will Jessie uncover the killer’s identity and clear his name? Can he rescue Malika before others find out who and indeed what she is? And as the plot thickens and the stakes grow ever higher, can DeXA be trusted?