Behold a captivating collection of 100 flash fiction tales where the mundane morphs into the magical, the everyday shape-shifts into the exceptional, and the inconceivable becomes the inevitable.
Where witches promise to reveal the secret of happiness and wise old men whisper wisdom and warnings in your ears. Where you summon an angel and the devil appears instead.
Where billboards flash messages from the afterlife and Gods mess with the desires of your heart. Where woodland creatures host tea parties and pirates are on a recruitment spree.
Where trees lead a secret rebellion and reindeer go on strike. Where the months of the year debate over how many days each of them truly deserves.
Perfect for lovers of fantasy and whimsy, for seekers of the paranormal and the uncanny, this collection of fantasy fiction stories invites you to a hundred different sojourns in wee worlds of whimsy and wonder. Even the briefest of wanderings into these tiny tales of speculative fiction will leave the most lasting of impressions, the kind that lingers for a lifetime.