The next free book promotion will be Urban Fantasy (all). The book must be free from April 13th through the 17th. Permafree are welcome as well as books that run their free days while in KDP Select. You must set your book to free to buy during the days of the promotion and when you sign up, you’ll need to use a universal link (like or books2read) because we have readers from around the world. If you offer your book via BookFunnel, you must not have email collection turned on. IASFA collects the email as part of this promotion. IASFA shows your book to a broad audience for you and also collects emails as part of the group effort for all promotions.
In this case, “book” means at least novella in length – that’s 17,500 words or more. I don’t want to see short stories or novelettes in here as readers are expecting more robust works (not surprising what people expect to get for free, but we’ve set a standard for that hook book, the one that gets them into the rest of your work). And this book must be complete. It can’t be the first ten chapters of a longer book. That’s not what we’re doing here – that’s what I would call a bait and switch. Please don’t do that to us as we’ll lose readers when angry subscribers come for us with torches and buckets of tar.
These promotions are to get your books in front of new readers and to continue building the IASFA newsletter list with quality subscribers. Right now we have over 2200 active subscribers to our list. We started this effort in January 2021, so six weeks to 2200 new subs. Our target is 20,000 subscribers by the end of the year. We’ll use this list for promotions (for discounted books, new launches, and free promotions) on a schedule of sending a newsletter twice a month.
As part of including your book in the next month’s Free Book promotion, you need to share the promotion (we will provide a media kit closer to the start date) with your newsletter list and on your social media channels. Since there is no monetary cost to be a member, the cost is your participation. Help us to help you and we all win. A rising tide lifts all boats. We rise together. This isn’t a competition as we are peers in this business. The readers will vote with their money. Which books do they like so much they go on to buy the rest of the series? Readers are the final arbiters of quality.
What do we mean by Urban Fantasy? It’s not paranormal romance, but think witches and wizards in modern society, doing what they do. How do you list your book now? Don’t try to shoehorn something that doesn’t belong as the readers won’t like it. If you promote it as Urban Fantasy, then put it in here. One book per person.
Book Entry Form – click here to join the promotion.
Future promotions are as follows. You can only sign up for the current promotion after the previous promotion has run its course. Easy as Pi.
Urban Fantasy Apr 13-17
LitRPG/GameLit/Cyberpunk – May 11-15
Post-Apoc Jun 8-12
Dark Fantasy Jul 13-17
Sci-Fi Romance Aug 10-14
All Sci-Fi Sep 14-18
All Fantasy Oct 12-16
All Urban Fantasy Nov 9-13
Space Opera Dec 14-18
If you put your book in a targeted genre promo (like your UF title), you can also include it in the all Urban Fantasy promo. We will continue building the list each month as this evolves. The pyramids weren’t built overnight. It will take all of us and we will work toward an ever-expanding engagement. IASFA is in the business of helping authors to realize the most value from their words. IASFA members are published authors.

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