IASFA – although it may look like we’re just another promo site, that couldn’t be furthest from the truth.
The International Association of Science-Fiction and Fantasy Authors is a group of professional authors. We’re doing the promos right now in order to build a substantive list from which to interact with SFF readers. This group is about helping each other understand better ways to write, publish, and promote your books, whether you contract with traditional publishing houses, publish through independent publishers, or publish your own books. I do all three making me the epitome of a hybrid author.
I sell a lot of books, but don’t have one single big winner. But with each new book that brings people into my substantive backlist, I get bumps across a broad range of books, selling whole series, one click at a time. It makes for a nice income, far and above anything I would get as a royalty advance.
Being the master of my own destiny has worked out very well for me and I try to share as much of that as possible, because I am content with my life and want others to be content with theirs.
Helping others to help themselves, as fellow SFF professionals. The rising tide lifts all boats.
That’s what IASFA is all about.

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