Can you make your Post-Apoc first in series free to buy from June 8th through the 12th? Both Permafree and Kindle Unlimited (use your free days as part of the KU program)? Then you’ll want to join this massive promotion as a benefit of being a member of the International Association of Science Fiction & Fantasy Authors.
We’re looking for novels only (at least 40k words) and we’ll promote this bundle to our readership and you’ll join us in promoting, all at no cost to you. We’ll provide the media kit for you to share with your readers. You’ll get more eyeballs on your book and if the readers find your stuff worthy, then they’ll continue reading, which means buying or borrowing in KU. Keep earning your keep as an author by telling stories that readers are willing to pay for.
- Must be a member of IASFA
- Post-Apoc Full-Length Novel
- Free to buy from June 8-12, 2021
Join us by uploading your book at

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