Initial submissions for consideration are now closed. The deadline was yesterday and I do not accept late submissions. First 500 words have all been reviewed. I’m pretty sure I’ve gotten back with everyone. If I haven’t gotten back with you, then there’s a glitch in the matrix.
If you were approved, then you would have received a contract. If not, then it didn’t give me what I was looking for in this volume. The beta readers are hitting this hard with an extremely critical eye. Out of the first nine final stories submitted, two were rejected for not being publication ready (technical errors abounded like spacing and typos), three were rejected for story issues, and two were accepted. The others are still being reviewed.
The beta readers are the final arbiters because these stories are for readers, not other authors. No other authors will read these until after they are included in the volume. To some, this is backwards, but to me, this is the only way – readers buy our books. Books written for critics generally don’t do well at all with the general population. IASFA is all about helping you to sell more books. Period.
In any case, we should have around 20 final stories for TEU7. I look forward to announcing who they are as soon as we have the stories locked in. If you’ve made it to the next round and have a contract, reminder that your final, publication-ready story is due no later than August 15th.
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