Please read the pinned posts regarding participation in one of these promotions.
- you can include up to two titles
- This is for novellas and novel-length books (17,500 words or greater in the story)
- Make sure your price change is worldwide and is in effect by midnight BST for the first day of the promotion (May 19 – I change my price two days early).
- Use a universal book link because our subscribers are from all over the world and don’t necessarily buy from the US or UK store
- BookFunnel/StoryOrigin/other direct downloads cannot include email collection
- Check iasfa.org/draft-listing to see if your title uploaded (for a first-time upload and promotion inclusion)
- If you have already uploaded a title to the IASFA library, then don’t upload it again – won’t show right away and needs an admin to flip a digital switch. Give us a couple days to take care of it
- If you need to update a cover or blurb, then you have to contact an admin – send the information to julia@jfhuni.com or admin@iasfa.org with the title, author name, changes requested and cover attached (less than 1MB in size, preferably – just download the cover image from your Amazon product page).
- If you participate, you also should send out a newsletter with the promotion link during the promotion period as well as post on social media – please help us drive traffic to the page (https://iasfa.org/may24) – this link will be live during the promotion dates only (May 19-23, 2024).
All the graphics you may need are attached here.

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