You can now sign your book up.
What is this promotion for? To help you put your SFF titles in front of more readers as part of an ongoing effort to help you boost your sales & exposure. Not everyone’s book is good, but that’s not for other authors to determine. It’s for the readers. We supply the platform that helps you connect with readers and where you go from there is your business.
Your book can be permafree or in Kindle Unlimited, but you MUST use your five free days to participate in this promotion because the books must be FREE to buy, not just free to read for readers who participate in the KU program. Some authors didn’t understand this in the first promotion and I want to make it abundantly clear. We run these promos for only five days so everyone can participate. I’m not a fan of having a massive listing of books that are permanently free, but a short-duration promotion can gain a lot more traction. Promotions get readers excited to act now. Promotions work.
From Feb 10-14 we’ll be running our epic fantasy promotion. Everyone who submits a book is expected to send the promotion to their fans at least once during the promotion period. You’ll be given a media package as a participant of the promotion that you can use to help you shape the message.
It’s pretty simple but it should add readers to you if your book passes muster. And happy readers look for other titles from their new favorite author. That’s why you must have at least one title to join IASFA. Because if you’re going to realize any value from your words, you need to have something to sell.
Peace, fellow humans
Are there any banners or links we should share on our mailing lists and in social media?
Yes there are banners, graphics, and a full media kit that we mailed out to members last week, but I think you just joined. I can’t copy images in here, but I’ll make a new blog post with them.