We’ll finalize the promotional materials and send this out to the participants so we can all share from January 11th-15th to put those free books into the hands of sci-fi readers. You can never go wrong with more readers. As of yesterday, we only had nine books included. I’m pretty sure we can do better than that.
Once you’re logged in to IASFA, then sign your book up here – https://iasfa.org/book-entry-form/
We each share, but IASFA will be running ads off my author page (they’re all sci-fi readers) using the more than 2000 followers as a lookalike audience. We’ll be building a newsletter list of readers exclusive to IASFA. Does that sound like something you’d be interested in taking advantage of? Look at the year’s schedule and see where your book will fit. We only run one sign-up at a time and right now, it’s Mil SF. Once this promo runs, we’ll be taking sign-ups for Epic Fantasy free.
IASFA – working to help SFF authors to sell more books.
Here are the media materials for those who are participating in the Mil Sci-Fi giveaway from Jan 11-15.
For lovers of Science Fiction & Fantasy – a monthly delivery of FREE Sci-Fi and Fantasy books. All you need is to share your email address with us. Sign up here.
January’s books are Military Science Fiction – space Marines, mobile infantry, mechs, and dreadnoughts. The power of unit actions, both small and large. Read books from an all-star cast of Military Science Fiction scribblers, many of whom are veterans and put real-life service experience into their worlds to add a whole new level of realism.
Exclusive from January 11 through the 15th, Military Science Fiction. Free to buy. Next month, Epic Fantasy. In March? Come on board and see.
The Independent Association of Science Fiction and Fantasy Authors (IASFA) is a professional organization focused on matching readers with authors. We are building the organization that currently numbers 464 authors published within the SFF genres. Stay tuned as each month we’ll offer full book samplers for free. This is the first. Help yourself to find your next favorite author.
Hi Mr Martelle,
Im new on this side; I have seen your Comment; so perhaps you have a minute and you can help me;
I like to read storys about Military Science Fiction, but findig good ones is sometimes a pain in the ass, sorry my french; so coud you do me a favor and send me the list from the January’s books , cause I m uneable to find them – dont get me wrong – not for free – i know, im too late; but so can buy them; :-))
My email: i.j.a.hahn@web.de
Greetings Hahn
PS: I LOVE YOUR BOOKS – YOURS and Thogether with ANDERLE – fucking AWSOME – DONT STOP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
PPS: Sorry for me bad english – I m from Germany :-))
I’m sorry, but I don’t have a list of those books anywhere – they were only on the page for sale and I didn’t copy that page down.