Next up in the monthly free book promotions is Dark Fantasy from July 13-17. This isn’t Dark Romance but anything else that falls into the Dark Fantasy realm. If your book is in Kindle Unlimited, just use your five Free Promotion days in order to participate. If your book is permafree, then sign up. You must be an IASFA member to participate.

We strongly encourage participating authors to hit their list during this promotion and push the info below – you are more than welcome to copy/paste what we have or customize the promo language for your readership. The purpose of these promotions is twofold – 1) build the IASFA list (which is at 6k and growing) and 2) give your books exposure to an SFF-specific readership.
IASFA is a professional organization supporting you while you support us, not with money, but with sharing promotions like this which then help the next promotion be even more impactful. A rising tide lifts all boats – help us to help you.
When will the free book sign up page be updated? It still features the June promotion and the July promotion happens in just a few days.
It was updated the day after the last promotion ran. Maybe flush your cache as your browser could be using a saved version of the page.
Craig, I still see the June promotion on many different devices even with the cache cleared. I even tried it on a new browser that has no history or cache.
That tells me you’re looking at the wrong page – we leave the old pages up, but you can’t get there without the direct link.
Here’s the link to upload your book –
And here’s what the draft page looks like after books have been uploaded.
I see your book is already listed on the draft listing – we don’t take the page live until the promotion starts because we use a secret link that only newsletter subscribers get. We had people bypass our newsletter sign up to get access and that doesn’t work for me. We are using this year’s promotions to build our list that we are then using to help the organization’s authors get greater visibility.
Craig, I’m not talking about the entry page. I’m talking about the page we send readers to in order to sign up for the promotion.
You don’t send people directly to the download page – you send them to the email sign-up. Being on the IASFA’s email list is the only way they get access to these promotions.
IASFA Free Book Promotion that runs from July 13-17. We strongly encourage participating authors to hit their list during this promotion and push the info below – you are more than welcome to copy/paste what we have or customize the promo language for your readership. The purpose of these promotions is twofold – 1) build the IASFA list (which is at 6k+ and growing) and 2) give your books exposure to an SFF-specific readership.
IASFA is a professional organization supporting you while you support us, not with money, but with sharing promotions like this which then help the next promotion be even more impactful. A rising tide lifts all boats – help us to help you.
Available only from the not-so-dark but eminently mysterious IASFA (International Association of Science-Fiction & Fantasy Authors). You can’t get there with one click because we’re fighting the scum of the wasteland. Here is what it takes to get you to your free books.
1) click this link
2) Become an Insider by filling out your name (or online persona) and email address
3) Answer the math problem because we know ravagers suck at math
4) Check your email – you should have received a confirmation email thanking you for subscribing, but you have to click on this to confirm your confirmation because we know that is the kiss of death for scum-sucking bottom feeders
5) Your subscription is confirmed! Go back to your email for the final confirmation which, during the free promotion period, will include the super-secret link that takes you into the back-end of the site where you can find incredible titles from some of the top names in the genre as well as well-established newcomers. If you join before the promotion timeframe, then you’ll get an email on the first day of the promotion with the super-secret link.
We must have our wires crossed. I’m talking about the email sign up page. Look at the instructions you sent out. The first thing we tell them to do is click the link:
That link show the June promotion. Should it not show the July promotion? If not, then why are we sending them there?
I have no idea where you are looking. The “Get Free Books” page sends them to the page with the twelve months of promotions. Share a screen shot or something because I have no idea where you’re looking. Everything on my end shows either the blanket NL sign-up or exclusive for authors.
What link are you using to look?
Found it – we should just send them to the Book Promotion Calendar page. I’m editing the Get Free Books page to be July. Thank you.
Refresh it now and it should show the correct promotion. We’ll have to add that page to the laundry list of stuff that needs to get updated. I thought we were sending people to the page on the website that is under the tab “Get Free Books” but that sends them to the Book Promotion Calendar. Get Free Books is a completely different page…
Glad we got that figured out. 🙂 Thanks!